YADAH is an honest and transparent skincare brand. We want to be accountable for the products we produce. With honesty and transparency in our mindset, We want to create products made from the best and safest ingredients that support your natural glow.
Trade Info
Trade Conditions
Certifications CGMP, J.S. Vegan certification from UK
Production Capacity -
Product Certifications CFDA, CPNP, EWG Verified, HAMILTON POLAND S.A
Distribution Channels (Domestic) Olive Young
Export Products Skin care, Sun care, Color makeup
Distribution Channel(Global) Russia(Gold Apple), Saudi Arabia (Faces), EU(DM), Mexico(Sally Beauty), Canada(Walmart), Indonesia(Gurdian), Malaysia(Watsons)
Countries of Activity United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Cambodia, Kuwait, Myanmar [Burma], Malaysia, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Europe, Russia
Trade Ability
Average Lead Time -
Accepted Languages English
Average Delivery Terms FOB
Accepted Payment Currency USD
Accepted Payment Type T/T Payment
Nearest Port -
Trade Show
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